How To Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars

Learn About Acne Scars! Research Multiple Products On How To Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars! Do You Know How To Prevent Acne or Remove Acne Scars?

Many people are looking for either acne cures, acne scar removal, acne prevention, or acne help because it's a quiet epidemic that is building; we all have concern at one time or another about our physical appearance. The actual cause of acne is unknown, but many believe hormones, diet, genetics, vitamin deficiency, and stress play a role in it's development. Another belief is that acne is caused from imbalances and impurities within the body, causing the skin's pore to get plugged; this is why you may want to consider treating the problem internally. One product you may want to research is called acnezine, it's a natural product used for acne treatment.

There are two primary mechanisms for the onset of acne:

The abnormal flaking of cells inside the hair follicle leads to the formation of a plug; the plug can enlarge and rupture the hair follicle. A ruptured hair follicle spills its contents of oil and debris into the skin, where it leads to swelling and causes redness (inflammation).

Oil and dead cells get trapped in a pore where they block the duct and mix with bacteria. They then turn black when exposed to air (a blackhead). Red pimples develop when blackheads become inflamed. When the pimple becomes infected, it develops a whitehead or pustule. These can break and cause scars.
"Understanding the mechanisms, we can better understand the possible triggers"

As mentioned earlier, part of the process involves oil and skin cells mixing with bacteria in a clogged pore. Combining this mixture with already existing bacteria (that normally live's on the skin), plays a role in the development of acne, contributing to both inflammation and subsequent infection. One solution that some doctors like to prescribe in order to help cure acne is antibiotics such as tetracycline. Using tetracycline for treating acne is like using an H-bomb to clear weeds from your backyard; It will definitely do the job, but it will also leave a lot of ancillary damage behind. .

Testosterone and all its variants, which are present in both men and women, play a role by both enlarging the oil producing glands and causing them to produce more oil. This increased oil both serves to increase the likelihood of a pore plugging up and serves as "food" for the bacteria. This is a primary factor in teenage acne since testosterone surges during puberty. Synthetic relatives of testosterone, known as anabolic steroids, used by some athletes also contribute to the problem.

The female hormones estrogen and progesterone also play a role as evidenced by the fact the acne worsens and improves during the monthly cycle. For this reason doctors often prescribe birth control pills to deal with acne. This is crazy. It's actually a condition called estrogen dominance that contributes to the acne so adding more estrogen to the mix actually exacerbates the problem. Acne is also a known side effect of synthetic progesterone, a component of most birth control pills -- once again contributing to the problem rather than helping with it. So why do doctors prescribe birth control pills for acne? Because they provide a "temporary" reversal of the problem by "overwhelming" the body with estrogen -- that is until the body catches up with the surge and starts producing side effects. We hope you enjoyed this article on "How To Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars".

By Dwight Brisco
"Appearance Equals Confidence"
"Let's Resolve The Acne Crisis"

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