Acnezine Can Combat All Types of Acne Scars

What Are You Using For Your Acne?
Scars caused by acne are much more common than doctors once believed. Most people will have acne scars that are mild; however, some will have scars that look significant even to others. The best approach is prevention and to treat acne right away as sometimes even mild acne can cause scarring, this can minimize the risk of permanent acne scars. Acnezine is one of the best possible ways to naturally treat acne scars; acne leaves behind different types of scars.

Acne scars can result from two types of tissue response to the inflammation of acne: (1) increased tissue formation, and (2) loss of tissue.

(1)Increased Tissue Formation:

The scars caused by increased tissue formation are called keloids or hypertrophic scars. The word hypertrophy means "enlargement" or "overgrowth." Both hypertrophic and keloid scars are associated with excessive amounts of the cell substance collagen. Overproduction of collagen is a response of skin cells to injury. The excess collagen becomes piled up in fibrous masses, resulting in a characteristic firm, smooth, usually irregularly-shaped scar.

Keloids tend to "run in the family"—that is, there is a genetic predisposition to form keloids after tissue injury. African-Americans often have a predisposition to keloid formation. Some families also tend to form hypertrophic acne scars or thickened acne scars.

Acnezine, the natural medication for acne treatment serves a major role reducing such types of acne.

(2)Acne Scars Resulting From Loss of Tissues:

Acne scars resulting from loss of tissue are more common than scars resulting from increased tissue formation. Ice-pick acne scars get their name from their appearance; they may be superficial or deep, are usually small in diameter and have steep sides like an ice-pick wound. The base of hard scars under the skin may be wider than the scar at the surface of the skin.

Depressed fibrotic acne scars are usually large scars that have sharp margins and steep sides; they are similar in appearance to deep chicken pox scars.

Superficial and deep soft acne scars are variable in size, and have sloping edges that merge with normal skin.

Follicular macular atrophy is more likely to occur on the chest or back of a person with acne. Follicular macular are small, white, soft lesions, often barely raised above the surface of the skin—somewhat like whiteheads that didn’t fully develop. This condition is sometimes also called "perifollicular elastolysis." The lesions may persist for months to years.

There are many types of treatment to cure Acne but Acnezine is a natural acne removal medication with no side effects!

For more information visit Natural Acne Removal

By Dwight Brisco

"Appearance Equals Confidence"
"Let' Resolve The Acne Crisis"

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